
RMS Departmental templates comes to Office 2013 FI

Rights Management Service (RMS) is one of the encryption mechanisms that helps you protect your Intellectual property in Office 365. One of the new RMS capabilities we announced earlier with was departmental templates, a feature that allows organizations to define different policies that will be deployed to different departments (or roles) for their use in documents and emails. We are excited to share that this capability is now natively supported in Office 2013.

Departmental templates make use of an additional parameter for each template, called the “scope,” where you can designate groups that receive this template. This is especially handy when an organization wants to define a policy for specific departments so that only users within that department see that template. Users can consume content protected with this template based on the rights defined in the template.

Office 2013 has been refreshed with the latest updates to support this new feature, so no further action is needed for these clients to properly display departmental templates. You can also enable the feature in Office 2010 by deploying the templates via a script or task that supports these templates—details can be found in the RMS blog. Support for departmental templates in Office Online and OneDrive for Business will be coming at a later point. In the meantime, you can learn more about departmental templates here.

Today’s post was written by Shobhit Sahay, technical product manager for the Office 365 team.


Category: News; Office 365
Published: 6/11/2015 17:42