
Embedding Excel spreadsheet tables and charts in a webpage or blog is a popular and well-known feature, which has allowed companies and individuals to share data and visualizations to public audiences in effective ways. But telling a story with data has become so much more than basic tables and charts. Some of you have been using Power View to create dynamic and interactive visualizations or shared PivotTable analysis based on your data models. But you have not yet had a way to share these publicly. Excel now offers all Office 365 Enterprise E3 or SharePoint Online Plan 2 subscribers with an option to embed the Power View interactive visualizations and PivotTables you’ve created in your workbooks (10MB or smaller). Imagine if you could display interactive visualizations, like these examples, to your audience or customers.




Embedding is easy. Simply start by uploading your workbook to SharePoint, then use the share option to generate a URL. Create an iframe based on the new URL with the parameters action=embedview and wdbipreview=true. You also can customize how your visualizations are displayed to better fit your embedded workbook to your website or blog. See our getting started instructions for more information.

Please note, as the support for this feature is evolving, heavy traffic might result in viewers of your hosted workbook being throttled. While you should expect support for 1,000 concurrent viewers, you may experience variability with as many as 10,000 concurrent viewers being supported in the best case.


Power View is part of several analytics and visualization features in Excel that is available with an Office 365 ProPlus subscription. Power BI for Office 365 provides your company with more advanced business intelligence capabilities, including automatic refreshing of your hosted Power View reports, searching corporate data directly from your Excel workbook, and using natural language to get immediate BI insights anytime and anywhere.

For more information:


Published: 12/12/2014 10:40