
Office 365

I wanted to share some info regarding an upcoming enhancement to In-Place Hold for Office 365.

A current limit of In-Place Hold / Legal Hold has been that when 30 GB Recoverable Items Quota is reached an administrator must call Office 365 support to increase this to allow the end user to continue to use the service uninterrupted. This has emerged as a key request from some customers, especially in large organizations.  The engineering team is working on a solution that will increase the Recoverable Items Quota to 100 GB for all users placed on In-Place Hold / Litigation Hold, and plans to deliver this new functionality to our Office 365 customers fully by July 2014.

  1. We will be updating all Recoverable Items Quota of users currently on hold to 100 GB
  2. New holds placed on users may not immediately see 100 GB Recoverable Items Quota, we will periodically update them until July when all new and current users will have 100 GB Recoverable Items Quota.
  3. This change will not be implemented for dedicated customers at this time. Dedicated customers will follow the current process to increase Recoverable Items Folder Quota.
Published: 4/16/2014 17:49