- Virtual Hard Disk and Cluster Shared Volumes Mini Poster
- Virtual Hard Disk Sharing Mini Poster
- Understanding Storage Architecture Mini Poster
- Storage Spaces and Deduplication Mini Poster
- Scale-Out and SMB Mini Poster
- Hyper-V and Failover Clustering Mini Poster
Despite what the industry marketing monkeys will tell you, actual customers are more interested in the Private Cloud than any of the other offerings such as hybrid and public. Cloud concepts and processes are a huge value bringing cost-savings, performance, and better reliability, but customers want to build their own Clouds, in their own datacenter, instead of outsourcing much of their operations. Microsoft is one of only a few vendors that truly understand what customers are wanting to do.
The latest round of printable PDFs offers a visual look into the inner workings of Private Cloud and Storage components supplied by Microsoft technologies. Each provides a great, quick reference that can be printed out and hung on the wall.
Here’s what’s available in the latest round of releases:
You can grab each of the posters here: Windows Server 2012 R2 Private Cloud Virtualization and Storage Poster and Mini-Posters