

You’ve been trying to separate fact from fiction since you were a little kid. Does the tooth fairy actually exist? Are there monsters under the bed? Will a watermelon really grow in your stomach after swallowing a seed? Hard as it may be to admit, believing myths doesn’t stop when we reach adulthood. Often myths are so powerful and prevalent that we never think to question them. We all know that cats always land on their feet and there are most likely alligators under the streets of New York City. Technology provides a distinct sphere for myths to pop up in, because tools and technological capabilities are changing so quickly. With the onslaught of modern advances, it can be hard to sift through conflicting information and pinpoint the truth. How secure are mobile payments? Are self-driving cars really happening? How accurate are fitness apps and wearable devices? As cloud technologies have developed and doing business in the cloud has become more commonplace, there are still many lingering questions and misconceptions about the cloud as it applies to the enterprise. Most companies know they need the business agility and potential cost savings that come when moving to the cloud—but what exactly does that type of move entail? If you are like most people, the line between fact and fiction regarding cloud computing is a gray one. How will moving to Office in the cloud affect our business and IT teams? How secure is my data that is stored in the cloud? Do I have to move all my applications at once?

Find out the answers to these questions in the e-book 10 Myths about moving to Office in the Cloud.​​


Published: 7/1/2015 12:07