Krish Gali is a Senior Program Manager on the Exchange engineering team and Steve Chew is a senior product marketing manager on the Exchange technical marketing team.
Overwhelmed when you open your mailbox at the start of your day or after you’ve been away for a while? Ever missed an email from a key individual because it was buried in your Inbox?
People View helps you get to important email first and stay on top of the messages from people who matter to you. People View appears in the folder pane in Outlook Web App below your favorite folders.

People View shows you your unread messages from the people you contact most, so you don’t have to dig through your Inbox to find them.
Quickly view messages from people who matter
The number of unread messages from each person in your list appears next to their photo. When you click a person’s photo, the email messages from that person in your Inbox are shown in the order received. You can read or respond to individual messages or take other quick actions like delete or flag as important. You can also use bulk actions in People View. For example, if a person’s messages are not relevant, you can simply right-click that person in your list to mark all messages from them as read.

You can use People View list to respond to email fast, including marking all messages from a person as read with just a click.
Always fresh and relevant
The best part of People View is that it works automatically, without you configuring it or create complex rules. People View keeps track of the people you communicate with and uses the frequency of your communication with them to determine the order they appear in. When you start communicating with new people, they’re automatically added to the list of people who appear in People View as soon as you receive an unread message from them. Once you’ve read all of the messages from a person in People View, that person is moved lower down the list, so that you can focus on the unread messages from the person who’s now at the top of your list. And when your contact with someone ends, they’re eventually removed from the list.

People whose messages you haven’t yet read appear higher in your list, and people whose messages you’ve already read appear lower in your list, so it’s easy to keep track of whom you still need to respond to.
People View in Outlook Web App can help you communicate more efficiently and easily maintain a clean Inbox. With a single click, you can quickly view unread messages from people you frequently communicate with. This saves you time and helps ensure that you respond promptly to the people who matter most.
Q. When will People View be available?
People View will rolled out to Office 365 for business customers worldwide over the next several months.
Q. Does Outlook support the People View?
People View is currently available only in Outlook Web App.