In case you haven’t visited yet, we encourage you to do so and see how this new site, developed exclusively for educators, is helping new OneNote users become “OneNote Ninjas” without any cost to them or their school—in about an hour. Since launching this training-focused website, we have heard feedback from global educators about the need to have the guides in their own native language.
So due to popular demand from our worldwide teachers, we have now translated the 10 interactive guides on found on into 5 common languages: Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, French and German. We hope this will help you become a better user of OneNote in the classroom wherever you are in the world.
Note: We have not yet localized the pages on the site but the guides are available to you below as direct links. We will be updating the site in the future to have different views by language, along with new guides for students and administrators.
Mejora de la productividad con OneNote
Aprovechando OneNote al máximo
Manténgase organizado con OneNote
Implementación de planes de estudio con OneNote
Colaboración en el salón de clases con el Creador de blocs de notas de clase de OneNote
Creación de lecciones interactivas con OneNote
OneNote para administradores de escuela
Instalación del Creador de blocs de notas de clase de OneNote
Aprimorar a produtividade com o OneNote
Aproveitar o máximo do OneNote
Entregar o currículo com o OneNote
Colaborar na sala de aula com o Criador de blocos de anotações de aula do OneNote
Criar lições interativas com o OneNote
OneNote para administradores de escola
Instalar o Criador de blocos de anotações de aula do OneNote
Chinese, Simplified
使用 OneNote Class Notebook Creator 在课堂上协作
安装 OneNote Class Notebook Creator
Améliorer la productivité avec OneNote
Utiliser des programmes d’études avec OneNote
Collaborer en salle de classe avec le Créateur de blocs-notes de cours OneNote
Créer des leçons interactives avec OneNote
OneNote pour les administrateurs scolaires
Installer le Créateur de blocs-notes de cours OneNote
Erhöhen der Produktivität mit OneNote
Organisiert bleiben mit OneNote
Einreichen eines Lehrplans mit OneNote
Zusammenarbeiten im Klassenzimmer mit OneNote Class Notebook Creator
Erstellen von interaktivem Unterricht mit OneNote
Installieren des OneNote Class Notebook Creators
Don’t see your language above, let us know in the comments what language you would like to see for the teacher-focused guides and we will consider it for the next round of translation!
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