
It’s available to Implement password synchronization with AAD Sync with Office 365.

Password synchronization is a feature of the Azure Active Directory Synchronization Service (Azure AD Sync) that synchronizes user passwords from your on-premises Active Directory to Azure Active Directory (“Azure AD”). This feature enables your users to log into their Azure Active Directory services (such as Office 365, InTune, CRM Online, etc.) using the same password as they use to log into your on-premises network. It is important to note that this feature does not provide a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution because there is no token sharing / exchange in the password synchronization based process.

Enabling Password Synchronization


You enable password synchronization when running the Azure AD Sync Configuration Wizard.

On the Optional features dialog page, select the “Password synchronization” checkbox.


Optional features

AAD Sync Version Release History:

Published: 11/4/2014 22:33