
We are delighted to announce the release of new Lync Online client devices report, which tells you how many users in your organization have used one specific type of device to take part in peer-to-peer or conference in a specified month. The metrics in this report are available through PowerShell Cmdlet: Get-CsClientDeviceReport, RESTFul WebService API: CsClientDeviceMonthly as well as a graphical report in Office 365 admin center for client devices.

New metrics covered in the report

Currently the report covers users on Windows PC devices, Windows Phones, Android devices and on iPhones and iPads.

Metrics Definition
Windows users Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period with Lync client running on Windows PC device. It covers both Lync Windows desktop client and Lync Web App client on Windows.
Windows Phone users Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period with Lync client running on a Windows Phone.
Android users Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period, with Lync client running on an Android device.
iPhone users Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period, with Lync client running on an iPhone.
iPad users Number of unique users who signed in to Lync and participated in at least one peer-to-peer session or conference during the reporting period, with Lync client running on an iPad.

 Client devices report in Office 365 admin center

You can check the monthly device usage trend with the pre-defined line chart report. This report shows the usage data from July 2014 to the present. Below is a sample with fake data.

Lync Online client devices report 1 


You can query the report data periodically in your script with this PowerShell Cmdlet. To run this Cmdlet, please see Connect to Exchange Online using remote PowerShell to understand the required steps.

Note: The Lync Online report PowerShell Cmdlets are hosted in Exchange datacenter, so you need connect to Exchange Online first before you can run this Lync Online report Cmdlet.

Below is a real sample for using this Cmdlet.

Lync Online client devices report 2 

Lync Online client devices report 3

CsClientDeviceMonthly report

You can query the report data periodically in your program with this OData RESTFul WebService API. Below is a real example.

Lync Online client devices report 3a 

Lync Online client devices report 4 

Lync Online reporting summary

Currently the following Lync Online reports have been delivered with multiple metrics in each report and can be accessed through three different approaches: PowerShell Cmdlet, RESTFul WebService API and Office 365 report portal. The same metrics and value are returned no matter which approach is used.

PowerShell Cmdlets RESTFul WebService Metrics returned
Get-CsActiveUserReport CsActiveUserDailyCsActiveUserWeeklyCsActiveUserMonthly



Number of users who logged on to Lync and had at least one peer-to-peer or conference activity.
Get-CsP2PSessionReport CsP2PSessionDailyCsP2PSessionWeeklyCsP2PSessionMonthly Number of total peer-to-peer sessions, and peer-to-peer IM, audio, video, application sharing and file transfer sessions.
Get-CsConferenceReport CsConferenceDailyCsConferenceWeeklyCsConferenceMonthly Number of total conferences, and IM, audio and video, app sharing, web and telephony conferences.
Get-CsP2PAVTimeReport CsP2PAVTimeDailyCsP2PAVTimeWeeklyCsP2PAVTimeMonthly Total audio minutes and total video minutes of peer-to-peer audio and video calls.
Get-CsAVConferenceTimeReport CsAVConferenceTimeDailyCsAVConferenceTimeWeeklyCsAVConferenceTimeMonthly Total audio/video minutes of audio and video conferences.
Get-CsClientDeviceReport CsClientDeviceMonthly Number of unique users who used Lync online service with one specific type of client device.

You can always export any report data into Microsoft Excel, please refer to Using Excel to Retrieve Office 365 Reporting Data.

For more information about other Lync online reports, please check Lync Online reporting.

By the way, the user level client device report will be available by the end of November. We will publish another blog post after it’s enabled for Lync Online customers.


Published: 10/17/2014 17:09